How to start really quick?
- Log in using your Disroot credential (use the Disroot email, not just the username)
- Then, you have to create a channel. Indeed, you're not really an user on Hubzilla: you're a channel, or even several channels (a person, an organization, a theme, etc). That means that when you first log in with your Disroot account, you have to create a channel. To create my channel
- You will have to choose a role for your channel, that means a set of permissions. Social - Mostly public is the most typical one you may want to choose. To know more about roles and permissions
- When your new channel is created, you will have to create a profile for this channel. You can give as much informations about it as you want. Or as little as you want! You may even create different profiles for a same channel! To know more about profiles
You're done!
Now, you can create post:
To know how...
Or you can add friends (called connections in Hubzilla) that you can follow: